International call for GUE/NGL lists

Every year polls funded by the EU remind us that most of the European youth has faith in the EU. Every time the media and press talk about EU and youth, they remark that our generation is the Erasmus generation, a youth free to move, work and study within the European border, where we desire without any barrier.

The reality is different. There are cases of exploitation of young emigrant workers across the EU with bad contracts, few rights and not adequate wages. At the same time, a lot of students can’t bear the fees of their studies abroad and they are forced to take low-paid jobs or at worst to get into debt with banks. Additionally, austerity policies have been harmful and inefficient. The economic disparities between Northern and Southern States have increased, destroying the future of millions of young people.

We can find a paradox if we think that in this neoliberal Europe, we can celebrate the youth without borders, but we cannot find a solution for the youth who try to arrive in Europe from Africa and the Middle East often dying in the Mediterranean Sea.
We need a social Europe with common laws and rights for students and young workers, policies of solidarity towards who escape from wars, poverty and starvation.

We must fight for a democratic Europe, for more powers to the European Parliament, wherein the GUE/NGL approved a resolution that demands to the EU to disband any fascist organization in our countries.

On the 26 of May, we will be voting on the future of the EU. The current EU is not an EU for people and the youth. A vote for the GUE/NGL lists in our countries means a vote for a real different Europe. It means to bring in the efforts of movements, parties, organization, peoples for peace, solidarity, inclusion, democracy and anti-fascism. These are the words of our daily work and this is the meaning of our vote.

The previous generation has seen the birth of European projects and institutions. We are living in its crisis and we want the exit from the crisis to be on the left. It depends on us, on our actions and on our choices.

Vote for peace, democracy, solidarity, vote for the GUE/NGL lists!

Linksjugend [‘solid] – (Germany) – Young Communists (Italy) – Ógra Shinn Féin (Ireland) – Táncsics mozgalom (Hungary) – Bulgarska Levica (Bulgaria)

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